Aristotelian Tragic Hero Research Paper

Words: 451
Pages: 2

The beauty of the Aristotelian Tragic Hero is that it can be understood in many different ways, so much so that many individuals in the audience can see part of themselves in the Tragic Hero. Macbeth fits the description of an Aristotelian Tragic Hero perfectly. First and foremost Macbeth is a person of Noble birth. In addition to the obvious, he is a tragic hero because he suffers from a tragic flaw and because his actions arouse pity and fear in the audience.
Macbeth's Hamartia is his ambition and moral weakness. At first, the witches spark the idea of having more power and eventually kingship which he leaves to fate “If chance will have me king, why chance/ may crown” (1.3.154-155). But soon enough his ambition corrupts his character and