Armenian Genocide Research Paper

Words: 793
Pages: 4

"Armenian Genocide." A&E Television Networks. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.

The web article from the History Channel’s website helps to understand the background information from the Armenian Genocide. The source gave details about when and where the genocide occurred, who the victims/targets of the genocide were, what group perpetrated the killings, and the reasons this genocide occurred. The article gives a layout of how the genocide came to be what it was. In the beginning of the article, it explains that at the root of the genocide was the Ottoman Empire, which was in the Caucasus region of Eurasia. The Armenian Empire eventually joined the Ottoman Empire. The article states that the Armenian Kingdom was the first nation to make Christianity
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This was the first time that Armenians were being targeted. The article says, “In response to large scale protests by Armenians, Turkish military officials, soldiers and ordinary men sacked Armenian villages and cities and massacred their citizens.” This caused hundreds of thousands of Armenians to be murdered. The article then explains a small amount about a new government known as the “Young Turks” and what happened to the Ottoman Empire during World War I, but there was not enough information to be significant to the research. The article moves on to explain what happened at the beginning of the Armenian genocide. For example the article gives information about when the genocide occurred when it says, “On April 24, 1915, the Armenian genocide began. That day, the Turkish government arrested and executed several hundred Armenian intellectuals.” The article also gives information about the Young Turks’ “Special Organization,” which were made up of killing squads. These killing squads were put in place to carry out “the liquidation of Christian elements.” The turkish government called this process Turkification. The article states, “Records show that during this ‘Turkification’ campaign government squads also kidnapped children, converted them to Islam and gave them to Turkish families. In some …show more content…
The information in this source is very reliable because it was written by a well trusted website, Although there is no way to tell if this source is current or not, it still works as a great source because the information matches up to the other sources used. The History Channel is dedicated to giving detailed events that happened throughout history. They are a well trusted source because the information found on their website matches up with other sources. The goal of this source is to explain the events leading up to the Armenian Genocide and also the events that occurred within the Armenian Genocide as well. This source was not very biased because it gave mostly facts and was told in the third person. There was no place for bias in this article. Its purpose was to inform the reader of the events that occurred in the Armenian Genocide, which is relevant to the research being done for the paper. Overall, this source was a great source to use because it was credible, relevant, had a reliable set of authors, and met the purpose that was