Armistice Day Research Paper

Words: 288
Pages: 2

On November 11th, 1918, the Germans and the Allies signed a treaty in the Forest of Compiegne

in France ending World War I. Armistice Day, as it was known then, ended four years of bloody

conflict. People throughout the world blew whistles, held impromptu parades, closed places of

business and paid tribute to their fallen soldiers.

Armistice Day was observed in 1919 and beyond with veterans' parades, religious and secular

services and two minutes of silence to honor the dead. In 1920, the British Unknown Soldier was

buried in Westminster Abbey and the French Unknown Soldier at the Arc De where a perpetual

flame burns.

In 1921, the American Unknown Soldier, found in a battleground in Germany, arrived in

Washington, D.C. and was