First I will go over the Code of Ethics for the EMT. It states that professional status as an Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Practitioner should always be maintained and improved by the willingness of the individual practitioner to accept and fulfill …show more content…
The second bullet talks about being companionate and treating people with respect regardless of their race, religion, nationality etc., it basically promotes equal opportunity. The remaining bullets can be summarized as being competent in your craft, upholding confidentiality, assuming responsibility for your actions or mistakes, and refusing to participate any unethical acts.
The code of ethics for the health education profession is comprised of six articles and is a long document of expectations. The document emphasizes that it is guided by common goals to improve the human condition, Health Educators are responsible for upholding the integrity and ethics of the profession as they face the daily challenges of making decisions. Health Educators value diversity in society and embrace a multiplicity of approaches in their work to support the worth, dignity, potential, and uniqueness of all people. (Coalition of National Health