Arnold's partner, Ellie, seems irrelevant and useless in the development of the story, until the connection to the devil is made. Ellie creates a constant threat, and assists Arnold by solidifying Arnold’s guise. Ellie also represents one of the devil's minions, in the shadow of Arnold, but increasing the devil's presence through constant intimidation. The story “Where are you going, Where have you been” is a timeless story that represents predation, deceit, malevolence, and much more. The story's main characters, both Connie and Arnold Friend, represent sin and the devil, and link to a deep, biblical meaning. Through his techniques, seductive ways, deceitful mind, and malicious intent, Arnold Friend is a clear, true depiction of the devil. Connie represents sin throughout daily life. A form of sin which is directly tied to biblical roots, but less jeopardizing than that of Arnold Friend. Arnold Friend and Connie’s interaction creates a very real and unglorified look at an issue present in the current world. Joyce Carol Oates brings light to the general problem, and a very profound message and tie to biblical references is