Art Analysis: Unconcealedness, By Olivier Casse

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The first two paintings I selected from my Bakehouse visit I liken them to the times of the Feminist movement. The paintings are seducing the Egos (oil on canvas), and La Belle Époque 2010(oil on panel) both painted by Olivier Casse of Miami, Florida. These paintings are in my opinion representative of the feminist movement from the 1960’s to the 1970’s. During this time period the American women were limited in about everything from their family life to their workplace. Woman were expected to follow the one path that was set out for them, which was to be married in their early 20s, quickly starting a family, and devote their life to homemaking.
Women had many struggles of living a quite mundane lifestyle which was filled with housekeeping
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I am a portrait/figurative painter who is interested in the physical as a platform to reveal what I see and feel as my truth of the being. This experience of discovery is what Martin Heidegger refers to as the "Unconcealedness" of a work of art. My process is rooted in looking, filtering nature through me, and translating my understanding into works of art”.
Olivier Casse is an artist that focuses on the human body, mostly in its naked state. His art embodies a realistic view of nature and a high value on its features in a natural form. I am no art mogul, but I can appreciate the paintings and there view of being one with nature and expressing the movement of women through art. The paintings had a smooth texture and were painted with a traditional oil technique, often used by artist to sketch the subject onto the canvas with charcoal or thinned paint. Artist usually mix oil on the painting to make it thinner and dry either slow or
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I am concerned with issues relating to the urban experience, personal and social intimacy, economic and social hierarchy, isolation, identity and how politics and media affect our perception of ourselves and each other. Stark economic and social differences exist throughout the world. I present this disparity with paintings, drawings, and collages of children within a backdrop of decorative patterns often found on wallpapers, scarves and other objects associated with very affluent culture. I use maps and images of international cities emphasizing that this economic and social hierarchy exist throughout the world. I use the human figure as a focal point. Painting the subject out of their original context, elevating the person from the reality in which they live in to another dimension. I combine different materials and techniques which provide metaphor and contrast to the real world environment of the figure. The narratives that flow through the series are drawn from my subjects, social and news media, and my personal life experiences. More than show my subjects as I see them, I seek to portrait them with dignity, as human beings trying to do their best to make their way in the world. I hope to be able to show the beauty, the humanity, of all the children and families I encounter. More than this, I strive to depict them with compassion and