HCS 457
XXXXXX Article Review
Over the years teen pregnancy has became more common in teens in different communities worldwide. In the past ten years teen pregnancy has had a major increase, which is affecting the teens of local communities worldwide. The latest rates for teen pregnancy 71.5 pregnancies per 1,000 girls, and the ages range from fifteen to nineteen (NYTimes, 2013). Even thought teen pregnancy has been a issues these rates are lower than they were in the 1990’s. In the 90’s the rates were at 116.9 pregnancies per 1,000 in 2006(NYTimes, 2013). This highest rates for the United States in 2005 were in New Mexico, which they had 93 per 1,000 girls age 15 to 19(NYTimes, 2013). In the 1940’s it was acceptable to be a teenager, and have children, because in those times it was more traditional and mandatory that men and woman get married and start families at a young age. Since then times has changed, morals has changed, as well as the rates of unmarried woman has increased. As a result more teenage mothers are having children under age and raising the children on their own. A lot of the mothers are not prepared and at times tend to struggle with being a single mother. This is causing a health issue to the local communities in the United States. This summary will show the struggle of teen pregnancy and how it made improvements over the years for teens, for the better to have a better public and community health system on this health issue.
How long has teenage pregnancy been a problem in the United States
In the article it stated that the ongoing issue of teen pregnancy has been a problem since the 1990’s (NYTimes, 2013). Teen pregnancy has been an issue in the United States, and in local communities, because of the number of teens that remain uneducated in the area of sex education in their lives. This has also become a major health issue in the local communities, because with so many teens having unprotected sex at such a young age they are unprepared. How does this affect the local Communities Teen pregnancy affects the local communities for many reason, one because the teens are so young, and have no income, which forces the teens to rely on the government paid programs. With the percentages of teen pregnancy being so high, it forces the government to have to spend more, as well as the health care rates are forced to go up. To lower the rates on teen pregnancy more young teens would need to become educated on the topic and of unprotected sex. Also having discussions with teens on the many sexual transmitted diseases that can be caused by performing unprotected sex, this might also lower the teen pregnancy rates. According to (Latimes,2013), Latinas age 15 to 19 have the highest birthrate, Then African American, Also white teens, and the lowest is Asian teens with the lowest rates of all(Latimes2013).
How has the Communities Responded The community responded in several different ways that helped to lower the communities’ teen pregnancy rates. On factor was that the state introduced the sex education program, which law requires to be comprehensive and medically accurate (TheHuffingtonPost, 2013). Another factor was that the community got more involved in educating the teens and their parents on sex education and information. The information provided will