Agnosticism: The belief that there is not enough evidence to determine whether or not God exists.
Anglican: Belonging to the Church of England (Episcopal).
Amillennialism: The belief that the thousand year reign of Christ found in Revelation chapter 20 is not to be understood literally, but rather that symbolically of Christ reigning in Heaven during the Church Age.
Annihilationism: Teaching that the wicked cease to exist at death or after a period in the Lake of Fire.
Annual Credential Renewal Process: The process by which all credentialed ministers with the General Council Assemblies of God must renew their credentials by filling out a form/questionnaire which must be completed no later than December 31st of the given year.
Anointed: In the O. T. refers to an act of dedication to God’s service by pouring oil on the person’s head. In the N. T. it refers to an empowering, or energizing, by the Holy Spirit
Antichrist: A false Christ who will appear at the end of this age, become a world dictator; and demand worship.
Anti-supernatural: Denies the existence and reality of the supernatural; tries to explain everything in terms of natural law.
Apocrypha: A group of 15 books that were written during the Intertestamental period. These books were not included in the Hebrew Bible and were not considered to be inspired by God.
Apostasy: A deliberate & total turning away from Christ & His teachings.
Apostle: “Sent one,” or ambassador; specifically, those chosen personally by Jesus to be with Him and to be primary witnesses to His resurrection and His teachings (Matt. 10:2-42; Acts 1:21-22; 1 Cor. 9:1).
Apostolic Age: The period between Christ’s ascension and the death of the Apostle John near the end of the 1st century A.D.
Arianism: A teaching of Arius (AD 250-356) concerning the relationship between God and Jesus; stated that Jesus did not always exist but was created by God and therefore is distinct from God.
Ark of the Covenant: In the Old Testament a gold plated box that was the receptacle for the stone tablets inscribed with the 10 Commandments received on Mt. Sinai by Moses.
Armageddon: “The mountain of Megiddo,” the site of the final battle between Christ and the Antichrist (Rev. 16:16).
Arminians: Followers of James Arminius (1560-1609) who taught that God chose to save all who will believe in Christ, that it is possible to resist the grace of God, and that it is possible for true believers to fall away and lose their salvation.
Articles of Incorporation for a local church: Referring to the requirement of adopting recommended and approved constitution and bylaws for becoming affiliated with the General Council of the Assemblies of God.
Ascension: Christ’s bodily return to heaven 40 days after His resurrection (Acts 1:3, 9; Eph. 1:20-21).
Assemblies of God four cardinal doctrines: The four truths that are considered to be the core beliefs because of their application to believers and unbelievers both now and in the future. These four doctrines are salvation, divine healing, baptism in the Holy Spirit, and the second coming of Christ.
Assemblies of God fourfold mission of the church: To be an agency of God for evangelizing the world, to be a corporate body in which man may worship God, to be a channel of God’s purpose to build a body of saints being perfected in the image of His Son, and to be a people who demonstrate God’s love and compassion for all the world.
Assemblies of God membership: Referring to the Recommended Bylaws for Local Assemblies, Article VI which discusses membership in a local Assembly of God church.
Assemblies of God policies regarding divorce and remarriage of ministers: Found in the General Council Bylaws Article IX, B, Section 5. Reflects commonly held beliefs based on scripture which have been endorsed by the church's Commission on Doctrinal Purity and the