Assess The Significance Of The Holocaust

Words: 1600
Pages: 7

‘Assess the significance of the holocaust for the state of Israel’

The Holocaust was one the worst tragedies in the history of humanity. The Holocaust, also known as the Shoah was brought to life by the Nazis in 1941. The purpose of the Holocaust was to “rid” the country and eventually the world by killing the Jews. After 1945, 6 million Jews were dead, 1.5 million of them children. In this paper I will argue if the Holocaust played the most significant role in the establishment of the state of Israel.

The first person who proposed the establishment of the State of Israel was Theodor Herzl, the founder of Zionism. In 1896 he wrote a book, “The Jewish State”, where he argued about an individual State for the Jews, where Jews could live and escape from anti-Semitism. Also the first Zionist Congress was called by him in Basel on August 29,1897. The PolItical Zionism which still remains until today was first founded by Theodor Herzl. They made the decision that their new homeland should be Palestine.
In the 1880´s the Russians became brutal and oppressive against the Jews, blaming them for the assassination of Tsar Alexander (only one of the killers was Jewish). As the result of one Jew being a killer of the Tsar the Russians killed many Jews in a series of attacks known as the
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Those countries [the Allied powers] whose victory I thought, during the war, would be by far the lesser evil, now show themselves to be an only slightly lesser evil. On top of that, there's the thoroughly dishonorable domestic politics: the reactionaries with all their shameful deeds in repulsive revolutionary disguise. One doesn't know where to look to take pleasure in human striving. What makes me happiest is the realization of a Jewish state in Palestine. It seems to me that our brethren really are nicer than these awful Europeans. Maybe it can only get better if the Chinese alone survive; they lump all Europeans together as