Discuss the training requirements for higher level teaching assistant ( HLTA’s)
The HLTA’s are required to have skills and knowledge of numeracy and literacy; all schools have policies and procedures in place to enhance the health and safety of all employees and pupils. HLTA’s should have general understanding of these procedures. In addition HLTA,s should have knowledge of regulations and law. The knowledge of assessment require for a HLTA’s links in with my role in school when delivering interventions. I work with primary children age 4-11, which I feel has given me knowledge of child developments in this age range. HLTA’s also require the knowledge and skills in English and maths that are equivalent to a NVQ level 2, This will help them to gain training in curriculum development and deliver, They also need knowledge of ICT and its use’s as technology is developing so that all areas are supported and enhance in all areas .Most jobs from tomorrow will be technology based and there for it’s important to have knowledge to use ICT. HLTAs need the confidence and organisational skills to be able to work in a team and motivate others. They also need to be able to form fantastic social relationships with all staff with in their school as they all required to full fill duties with arrange of classes across the stages. Ineffective HLTA’s also needed to have the ability to self-evaluate activities. What they have been involved in, in order to ensure progress and