Assignment 2: Logical Design Part 1 Essay

Submitted By bwallace12
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Pages: 3

Assignment 2: Logical Design Part 1

Strayer University
Professor Mark Cohen
January 20 2013

Benefits of Relational Model
A relational model helps to organize data in the form of tables. A relational model is composed of three main components
a. A set of domains and sets which represents data structure.
b. Integrity rules which ensures data protection
c. Operations that will be carried on data i.e. process of data manipulation
For Acme Global Consulting, relational model is a term of great benefits. The company deals in providing software development solutions. The company needs to have a deep understanding functional and data needs of the company. The relational model will provide following advantages to the company
Conceptual simplicity: The model is very simple and helps to simplify data needs of their clients.
Design implementation: The model will help the company to achieve structural and data independence i.e. any changes if made to structure of data will not affect accessibility of data.
Ad hoc capability of query implementation: Relational model provides a very easy and flexible way of data implementation and manipulation.
Purpose of ER model
The purpose of using an E-R model is to create an accurate picture of the real world in a database. Acme Global Consulting, with the help of relational model, can present a powerful database design with information on its clients. The relational model will provide consultants a simple and flexible design making data retrieval, summarization and reporting more efficient. The ER model can also help to verify the data requirements before proceeding towards actual implementation.

This will also increase understanding with existing problems. The ER model will help to provide a visual representation of data for Acme Global Consulting needs. The team of Acme Global Consulting will be able to clearly understand data requirements of the clients and also can easily interacted and discussed with them through visual representations so that data requirements can be verified before taking further steps.
Essential components of an ER Model
E- R Model is an abbreviation for entity relationship model. ER model is a high level data modeling technique which lay down a conceptual design for database. ER models are comprised of a number of components such as entities, attributes; and relationships.
Entity: An entity is a name given to real world concept or item which have physical existence. An example of entity is a student for student management solution.
Attributes: The properties related to a particular entity are known as attributes. Name and address are attributes for an entity student.
Relationship: The term defines how two or more entities are related to each other. There are different types of relationships that exist in ER model.
Keys: There are number of constraints which are employed on data for maintaining integrity and preserving data.
Enhanced ER model
Enhanced ER model is enhancement of the basic ER model which contains classes, data types, generalization, and specialization concepts which are