Essay about ASSIGNMENT 302Ai Aii

Submitted By madmac1
Words: 1065
Pages: 5


1.1. Inclusive Teaching and learning.
It is imperative that when you are preparing your course material and planning how you are going to teach your students that you take into consideration not just their learning styles but also their genders, beliefs, religions and abilities so that no student will feel left out or feel like they are starting on the back foot. A good way to start this off may well be to have a welcome sign on the door or wall of your class room typed up in different languages. Promoting a friendly environment at the start of a lesson/course can help put students at ease. Make sure you allow for the different learning styles to incorporate for the Auditory, kinaesthetic and visual learners as no two people are alike. Don’t just assume that everyone will learn using one style.
Take into consideration that you may come across students that have specific learning needs such as Dyslexia. Speak with them and ask them what they may need to help make the lesson/course easier for them. This may just be a case of making sure handouts are printed on a different coloured paper. If this is so, make sure ALL handouts are the same so as not to draw attention to an individual. Let’s face it, coloured paper makes things more interesting than standard white.
Encourage all the students to introduce themselves to each other. This way they can learn what each other’s names are and also about different cultures and beliefs that they may have.. This is also a good way for you to learn more about your learners and if, for example, you may need to make provision for a religious festival.

1.3. Opportunities for learners to develop.
You should promote and encourage the continual development of the students by incorporating the essentials of maths, English and ICT into your lesson plans. Encourage your students to read aloud from handouts, PowerPoint presentations and wipe boards where used. Set written assignments to be completed. This can help them to become more proficient and confident using English for example.
Asking them to prepare a power point presentation will help them to hone their ICT skills. Also asking them to include statistics within their reports can help with their mathematics.
By setting these tasks for them, not only are you getting the student to think more about what they are doing but you are also helping them to broaden their core skills without them realising. Also you are helping them to build confidence in themselves.

2.1. Inclusive Teaching and Learning Environment.
To ensure that each and every student is able to reach their full potential, an Inclusive learning environment must be established. Tomlinson (1997) defines inclusion as matching the resources available to us the tutor to the learning styles and educational needs of the students.
Inclusion for all is brilliant but sometimes an individual may be overlooked due to stronger people coming to the fore so remember to watch out for the individual who may be hiding at the back of the class. Make sure there is scope and provision to provide for their specific needs so they are also able to achieve their maximum potential and not feel uncomfortable and left out.

2.3. Engagement and motivation.
A good way to get your students motivated and to fully engage during the course will start with you, the tutor. Be enthusiastic and promote a positive attitude in your approach to teaching the subject. By doing this you set a precedent for the lesson and make the students feel more at ease and relaxed. This in turn will make them want to participate and learn.
Ask them about any experiences they may have had regarding the subject to be taught. This puts the emphasis on them as a group and individually to participate. Ask them questions about what they are conversing as this also shows that you are interested in what they have to say which in turn encourages them to engage more.
An enthusiastic and motivated