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In the temporary life, success is the final goal which is desired in wide range of daily aspects such as in workplace, at university or even in family. To approach success, it is neccessary to have a great deal of skills, knowledge and experience.However, it is widely believed that intrapersonal and interpersonal perceptions are two of the fundamental factors contributing to success. This essay will discuss about how accurate perception related to success by examining how it influences the progress to achieve goals both at university and at work. Firstly, intrapersonal and interpersonal perception definitions, applications and benefits will be considered. Then, the contributions of perceptions to academic success at university will be examined by some aspects such as graduation, knowledge and goal setting. Last but not least, it undeniable that perception is the one of the majority factors related to success at work particularly for interview, collaboration and competition.
First of all, it is substantial to identify definitions, utilisations and benefits of intrapersonal and interpersonal perception. The term ‘perception’ can be defined as the subjective awareness to environment. As more detailed parts involved in perception, intra perception illustrates the way an individual regarding himself. Meanwhile, interpersonal perception implies individual’s consciousness about other’s abilities, characteristics or attitudes such as peers at university, colleagues at workplace. There are a great number of factors playing important roles on perception such as culture, race, experience and general social perspective. Apparently, a development in knowledge and experience can enhance one’s perception. Moreover, according to Abele and Stasser, individual’s perception about abilities, intelligence and skills of the collaborator might arise due to successful cooperation (2008, p. 581). In general, individuals use their perception about others before deciding to approach to agreement for coordination particularly if they are leaders. For team work activities, behaviours, attitudes and abilities of each member must be considerably predicted before collaborating because these have great impact on the progress as well as result of team’s work. Syarbani and Sobri stated that fairness perception affects indirectly the organizational outcomes as relating to member’s behaviour (2011, p. 39). As a result, not only outcome but also efficiency or effectiveness could be influenced by perception. Therefore, it would be one of the most effective skills for team leaders, managers and entrepreneurs to