Assignment: The Birmingham Civil Rights Museum

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Pages: 6

Field Assignment 1
The Birmingham Civil Right Museum On February 4, 2016 at 12:34 p.m. I decided to go and visit the Birmingham Civil Rights Museum. The reason why I chose to visit the Birmingham Civil Rights Museum was because I had never been to a museum in my entire life. I am from Clanton, AL which located in the central part of Alabama. I heard about the Civil Rights Museum and was told to go a long time ago, but since this was an assignment choice it gave me the perfect opportunity to become knowledgeable about black history. Black history is not taught in public or private schools, therefore, I hoped to gain insight and enlightenment about my heritage. I should never forget who I am or where I came from, but how can I forget what I
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It was so old. They also had an old Coca Cola machine and cash register inside of the barber shop. The spooky thing about that is most barber shops today still look that way depending on where you get your hair cut. I just wish black women did not put as much weave in their heads nowadays. Back then, women did not use weave because it did not exist. Now I believe that society has corrupted the minds of black women because of the way the media portrays what is beautiful and what is ugly. Now black women pay about two-hundred and thirty dollars for hair that’s not even their own. I did enjoy looking at the ragtime section along with the Aunt Jemima pancake display. Something that kind of sent a red flag off was the KKK display. I mean this is what kind of mad me angry. Of course we know the Ku Klux Clan exist but why did they put the robe on display in a Civil Rights Museum? I guess it would be considered a part of black history but I thought it served no importance in teaching me anything about black history. A Ku Klux Clan member killed the little girls in the Birmingham church bombing and I saw a picture that said “Bombingham”. This was like symbolism that sent out a message that punched me in my face. I did not understand how a human being could do such a thing. How could someone hate another person could kill children just because they were black. How dumb can you get? This is the part where I cried my eyes out. I could not hold my tears back from falling down as I realized that the bombing actually happened. My pride could no longer be held in. I was in such disgust that I went to the bathroom and sat there for a min. I did not want to continue on looking at different displays at that point. I was ready to go, but a light went off in my soul at that very moment. I had experience the depression that my ancestors felt back when the bombing happened.