You will not only help these people with sustaining their right to decide their own fate, but you will also end the patients suffering and reduce the financial burden that the family must take on for years possibly after their loved one is deceased. Finally, what about the Hippocratic oath? By preserving a person’s right to deciding their fate, it is allowing them to take control over their illness and decide when it’s their time to go. By having this option, it will preserve their dignity and give them peace when it is time. By passing a law such as Oregon’s “Death with Dignity” act, you will be allowing the prescribed “lethal dose [be] self-administrated, to avoid voluntary euthanasia” (The Economist). This not only puts the life of the patient in their own hands allowing them to die with dignity, but also makes them rethink if they really want to make this decision. If the constant nights awake in agony and the days full of watching their beloved family crying and praying that a miracle will happen. All of these things can be put to rest with a shot. All the pain and sorrow can go away. And as they take their