Assisted Suicide Reflection

Words: 459
Pages: 2

I did my Senior Experience on Assisted Suicide. I endured a lot of obstacles such as; picking a topic, setting up job shadowing, and finding evidence to support my topic. Even though I had some challenges I overcame the obstacles. I went to the career specialist and he helped me set up job shadowing, and then for my topic I continued to research and I choose the topic based on a personal experience. I choose Ms. Ortmann as my senior advisor because she is very knowledgeable and opinionated. Her and I worked very well together and bounced ideas of each other. One thing that could have went better is my practicing with her. I ended up choosing my topic based off a personal experience I encountered. It was not hard to choose which side I wanted to write about. It was a challenge to find factual evidence to support my claim, but I found statistics and conversations with terminally ill patients that helped back up my argument. The feedback from Mrs. Florence helped me tremendously. She taught me how to find reliable sources and what makes a source reliable; she also helped me with grammar and punctuation and how to make the paper and presentation more interesting. …show more content…
Jessica. Mrs. Jessica worked on the oncology floor with cancer patients. Her and I went around to her assigned patients rooms and checked up on them and have them updates and medication for pain. I think I did fairly well job shadowing, I interacted with the patients and learned a lot that helped me with my presentation. Mrs. Jessica told me that the job is very rewarding, that you have to be emotionally stable to help cope with the patients and their family. She helped me reprove my point that assisted suicide she be legalized because she even agreed with the concept of the lethal injection, and that is from a registered nurses point of