Chapter 6 - Terrestrial Planets
Be able to:
· describe the scale and structure of the solar system and list the basic differences between the terrestrial and the Jovian planets .
· list the names of the planets in order describe the sizes of the planets compared to the Earth
Ch. 6.1 & 6.2 - Earth as a Planet
Be able to define:
· age of the Earth
· seismic waves
· mantle
· crust
· differentiation
· plate tectonics
· volcanism
· magnetic field
· conduction
· convection
· radiation
· density
· ozone
· greenhouse effect
· greenhouse gases
· inner and outer cores
· plate tectonics
· spreading centers
· subduction zones
· continental collisions
· hot spots
· transform faults
· Earth's atmosphere – composition
· Greenhouse Effect
Be able to:
· discuss how Earth's atmosphere helps heat us as well as protect us.
· outline our current model of Earth's interior structure and describe some experimental techniques used to establish this model summarize the evidence for continental drift and discuss the physical processes that drive it
· describe the nature and origin of Earth's magnetosphere.
· describe the role of seismology
· explain how differentiation led to the current Earth summarize and compare the basic properties of the Earth
Be able to list: the major parts of the Earth from the crust inward
Ch. 6.3 - The Moon
Be able to define:
· natural satellite
· synchronous rotation
· tidal lock
· terminator
· limb
· impact craters
· mare
· rays
· impact hypothesis
Be able to: describe the consequences of gravitational interactions between Earth and the Moon
· describe why we do not see the back side of the Moon
· explain how dynamic events early in the Moon's history formed its major surface features
· discuss the formation and evolution of the Moon
· summarize and compare the basic properties of the Moon
Be able to list: the differences between the maria and the highlands on the Moon
Ch 6.4 Mercury
Be able to define: wrinkle ridges
Be able to: describe the general surface of Mercury
Ch 6.5 Venus
Be able to define:
· retrograde rotation
· runaway greenhouse effect
Be able to:
· explain the relationships between surface features & planet size
· explain why some planets lack an atmosphere identify unique features on Venus
Ch. 6.6 - Mars & Comparative Planetology
Be able to define:
· Rovers
· Curiosity
· canals
· Schiaparelli
· Lowell
· Valles Marineris
· Olympus Mons
· Martian dust
· Martian impact craters
· Martian volcanoes
· ancient Martian climate
· life on Mars
· Phobos
· Deimos
Be able to: describe how the atmospheres of Venus and Mars differ from one another and from Earth's
· compare the surface of Mercury with that of the Moon and the surfaces of Venus and Mars with that of Earth discuss the similarities and differences in the geological histories of the four terrestrial planets describe how we know that Mars once had running water and a thick atmosphere.
Ch 7.1 & 7.2 Jupiter & Its Moons
Be able to define:
Jovian planets belts zones
Great Red Spot atmospheric composition of Jupiter thermal infrared radiatiion internal structures of Jupiter liquid metallic hydrogen ring systems
Galilean satellites
Be able to: describe how the Galilean moons form a miniature solar system around Jupiter and exhibit a wide range of properties. describe the nature and detailed structure of Jupiter’s atmosphere, including the belts, zones and Great Red Spot
Be able to list: the similarities and the differences