Astronomy Observation

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Pages: 6

When I first visited the University of Arizona in high school, I met with Dr. Chris Walker to discuss why I wanted to study astronomy. On the wall behind his desk was a long, horizontal picture of a telescope attached to a giant white balloon. I asked him what it was, and he explained to me that it was called the Stratospheric Terahertz Observatory, a telescope that was launched over Antarctica to trace spectral lines like Carbon, Nitrogen, and Oxygen in the Interstellar Medium, in order to observe the gas and dust between stars and better understand the star formation process. This is what first sparked my intrigue for balloon telescopes and observing the ISM. I began grading for his general education class as an opportunity to get to know …show more content…
I am currently working on analyzing submillimeter spectroscopic observations of the giant molecular cloud in R Coronae Australis (R Cr A), taken with an instrument known as SuperCam, a 64-pixel heterodyne receiver, previously installed on the Submillimeter Telescope on Mt. Graham, AZ. This is just one section of a larger 500-degree survey of the galactic plane, focused on the 12CO(3-2) and 13CO(3-2) transitions of the carbon dioxide molecule. Using the velocity and linewidth of CO, I am studying how turbulence and feedback from star formation affect the evolution of a large molecular cloud. These observations are unique in that they map a large area at the highest spatial resolution yet achieved. My hope is that these observations will help us to better understand the lifecycle of the ISM. I am working towards publishing a paper on these results in the next several months. I enjoy studying the Interstellar Medium because I feel that it brings me closer to understanding the origins of humanity, and hope to continue researching it after my undergraduate