1. At the top the number needs to be: 020 7060 5399
2. We need a business email address, to link with a Microsoft account, can you give us suggestions?
3. Opening hours organise as follows:
10: 00 – 20: 00 Monday
10: 00 – 20: 00 Tuesday
10: 00 – 20: 00 Wednesday
10: 00 – 20: 00 Thursday
10: 00 – 20: 00 Friday
10: 00 – 20: 00 Saturday
4. Our location make the map bigger, and the ‘our location box’ closer to the opening hours.
5. Under how it works, the final sentence stops at fr, please stop with the last complete word, and 3 dots after it, do the 3 dots for the other 3 boxes in this section. ALSO where it says Read More, there should be a space between read and more, right now it’s all one word.
6. At times the logo says Glamouoros Wellbeing (near the bottom), this needs to be Glamorous wellbeing.
7. Under the slider where the 4 icons are: it says At the Glamourous wellbeing, replace that with ‘At Glamorous Wellbeing’, and also where is says glamourous it should be glamorous.
8. The page for privacy policy and terms and conditions, is missing, the links of this should be at the bottom of the page
9. On the home page where it says ‘What Our Patients Are Sayin’, it has to be SAYING’
10. In testimonials wherever it says Snow Teeth Whitening, replace that with Glamorous Wellbeing. And will we be able to add/edit testimonials after?
11. At the bottom of the page, instead of WEEKLY NEWSLETTER, change that to MONTHLY NEWSLETTER.
12. The dates of blogs can you do: 14th, 21st and 28th please.
13. In Contact US, please also add the phone number, and underneath the address our second branch address and contact result:
56 Theobalds Road
Telephone: (0203) 0962795
14. Under About US, in the second paragraph make more paragraph breaks. And below this contact, make a heading: More Questions? Then underneath that write: If you have more queries, do get in touch or alternatively view our FAQ page (and a link of the FAQ page)
15. On the Treatment page, add the content of ‘The process’ page. Then the treatment tab and the process tab should open the same page, and not 2 different pages.
16. On the prices page will be able to edit the prices?
17. In the Blogs page: ‘Coping with sensitive Teeth’ this page needs to be organised better with clearer headings, thus far it looks very messy.
18. Wherever it says Glamourous Wellbeing, or Snowteeth Whitening in FAQ page please change to Glamorous Wellbeing.
19. In social media, please remove the Google+ and Youtube plugins. As for the facebook/twitter/instagram we are making the pages as we speak, can we add the links later?
20. For the logo, instead of a tooth can we have something else. A we will start with teeth whitening, and then add a feature of weight loss within a couple of months.
21. On the