Athenian Democracy Research Paper

Words: 582
Pages: 3

Democracy is a history changing form of government started by Athens. Meetings in the assembly were a time where male, non-slave Athenians could express their opinions on issues affecting them, regardless of their social status. Some specific issues members of the assembly debated included finances, religious matters, wars, relations with other countries, celebrations and regulations (Blackwell). The Athenian idea of democracy was revolutionary for that time, as before most civilizations were ruled by kings and emperors and this was the first civilization in which the common people could directly control all parts of the political process (Cartwright). There were three pillars of democracy in Athens, the Assembly of the Demos, the Council of 500 and the People’s Court. Democracy gave rule to the demos, which was the smallest administrative unit in Athens, like a voting precinct or school district (Blackwell). The word democracy is derived from demos which means village or people and kratos, meaning rule (Cartwright).
Cleisthenes established the Council of 500 in 507 B.C., a council of 500 citizens chosen once a year that served one year terms to
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They could also vote to expel any citizen they thought was too dangerous or powerful by simply writing a name onto a broken piece of pottery. The Assembly met at least once a month, but more often two or three times a month, on the Pnyx hill. Speaking and voting was done by holding up hands, and laws were passed with a majority of votes. Nine presidents of the Assembly, organized the meetings and kept order, like the Speaker of the House today