Correspondingly, the Henry Ford Organization analyzes the story of Fordlandia which was a rubber plantation of Henry Ford that was victim to riots and several disputes. When Ford started bringing in other people, like they Barbadians, the Brazilians were unhappy that they were taking their jobs. Disputes occurred over who got higher wages, and finally the Barbadians were sent away because a West Indian outsider had stabbed and killed several Brazilians (The Henry Ford, “Ford Rubber Plantations in Brazil”). Arguing over glory is present in both Fordlandia and Atlantis. What was once ruling the Kingdom of Atlantis in friendship and harmony turned to bickering over power. Likewise, the Brazilians felt threatened when the Barbadians intruded their work area and soon chaos spread like wildfire and balanced throughout the land was lost. Thus, much fighting happened over who deserved more money or more honor. In Fordlandia and Atlantis the peace couldn’t last forever due to the corruption of the subjects. In addition, the moral of this myth directly translated to a modern Utopia such as Fordlandia, because it is impossible to have a perfect society, with negative qualities of mortals in the way. Furthermore, if the Kings of Atlantis would have been happy with their island, and the the citizens of