Atomic Bomb Persuasive Research Paper

Words: 950
Pages: 4

Natalie Jones - U.S. Contemporary History Atomic Bomb Persuasive Essay 28 March 2024

From the ashes of war rose a weapon that reshaped the world- the atomic bomb. The atomic bomb reshaped the outcome of World War 2. More specifically, the United States using the atomic bomb, further bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the event that many believe ended the war. This event can be seen as controversial in regards to whether the United States bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki was justified or not. Some would say the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was unjustified because of the message the United States wanted to send to the rest of the world, however the increase in deaths in both Japan and the United States, the economic state of Japan and the United
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In “Reasons for Dropping the Atomic Bomb,” although the speaker does state that the United States didn’t want the Soviet Union to get involved in the war, they also stated that the United States wanted to “send a message to the Soviets,” further showing their pride in the atomic bomb (“Reasons for Dropping the Atomic Bomb, 1:01-2:46). The government also had spent over two billion dollars investing in this project. When the atomic bomb was launched, many claim that “the atomic bomb played no defensive part, from a purely military standpoint” (Alperfitz, 5). This further shows that the atomic bomb may have ended the war, however, the actual bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, may have not been the entire reason as to why Japan surrendered from the war. Given that although the pride of the United States can connect that the U.S. bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to be unjustified, the increase in deaths and economic state of Japan and the United States, and the various countries potentially getting back into the war, ultimately proves that the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was justified. Works Cited Tucker, Spencer C. "Dropping the Bomb Was Justified and Saved Lives."