Exam #2 is worth 50 points and will consist of 50 MC questions. Questions for the exam will come from lectures, videos, and required readings.
1. What is lifestyle? Psychographics?
2. What is VALS? Other ways of segmenting consumers?
1. What is an attitude? Why do people have attitudes? What are the functions of attitudes?
2. What are the components of an attitude?
3. Describe hierarchies of effects. Standard? Low-involvement? Experiential?
4. Explain how attitudes are not created equal.
5. What is social judgment theory? Balance theory?
6. Explain multiattribute models?
Cialdini and Attitude Change
1. What are judgmental heuristics? Why do we use them?
2. What is source credibility? How would you increase trustworthiness?
3. Reciprocation. What is it? Rejection then Retreat. Examples?
4. Commitment and Consistency. What is it? Why do we adhere to it? Foot in the door technique. Low Ball Technique. Bait and Switch Technique. Examples? What factors influence a person’s likelihood of remaining consistent to a commitment?
5. Social Proof. What is it? What conditions does it work best under? Example?
6. Liking. What is it? Examples? Factors associated with liking?
7. Authority. What is it? Examples?
8. Scarcity. Psychological reactance. When is the scarcity effect greatest? Examples.
9. What characteristics affect persuasion?
10. Message characteristics (verbal vs. visual, one-sided vs. two-sided, repetition, comparative advertising, attribute vs. goal framing)
11. What is the two-factor theory?
12. What is the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM)? How do the central and peripheral routes of information processing differ and to what extent do certain variables influence information processing in the ELM framework?
Politics and Consumer Behavior
1. Is marketing the same for politics vs. brands/corporations?
2. Political ad spending 2012? (over time?)
3. Political ad spending vs. for other products?
4. Rules regarding political advertising? Broadcast vs. cable?
5. What is a negative ad (in the context of political advertising)?
6. Effectiveness? Why? Factors? How do selective information processing and social judgment theory fit?
7. How does political advertising interact with prior preference?
8. What is the illusion of explanatory depth and how does it apply to position extremity in politics? How can you reduce position extremity? How does it work?
9. What is stickiness applied to ideas?
10. Identify and explain the 6 principles of stickiness.
Rational Decision Process
1. What are the 3 perspectives on consumer decision making? How do they differ?
2. What is meant by purchase involvement? How does it differ from product involvement? Illustrate with an example.
3. How does consumer decision making change as purchase involvement increases?
4. How do routine, limited, extended decision making differ? Provide examples for each.
5. What is problem recognition? Need vs. Opportunity recognition? Describe the process.
6. When does information search occur?
7. What is the difference between external and internal information search?
8. What kind of information is sought?
9. What roles do evoked set, inert set, and inept set play in a consumer’s information search?
10. How do consumers make choices?
11. What are evaluative criteria? How are they used in decision making?
12. Differentiate between compensatory vs. noncompensatory decision rules. When are they used?
13. How does the type of decision affect the postpurchase processes?
14. What is post purchase dissonance? What characteristics of a purchase situation are likely to contribute to postpurchase dissonance?
15. What actions do consumers take to avoid postpurhcase dissonance before the purchase?