Audience and Speech Essay

Submitted By karina_22
Words: 1480
Pages: 6

Best Job/Worst Job Copyright 2013, ya’ dig?
Question: What are the objectives (goals) of the “Best Job/Worst Job” Presentations
Objectives submitted by students:
Over come fear!! American humorist Mark Twain said, “There are only two kinds of speakers—nervous ones and liars!”
Practice public speaking/presentations
Practice/evaluate writing skills: Most common issues for all writers: P=C (Pause = comma) #1 (comma splice) R (with a circle around it = “reread”)

Objectives submitted by students:
Practice in “lying”?
Consider details/elements presented related to work/professionalism: What makes a “good job” good? What makes a “bad job” bad? And…which type of manager/business owner will you be?! And the most important objective….proven over and over….(hint: no landslides!)….
Most important objective for students…

Because everyone was able to fool some people… this proves….

You all already possess the power to influence/persuade other people based solely on your own words and ideas!
Rubric/student evaluation process:
Why were students “invited” to participate in the evaluation process?

Side note: Why were students “invited” to create journal topic ideas?
Students are involved in evals:
For a grade.
To be “connected” to the process.
To learn from other students.
To provide positive support.
To know that there’s more opinions than just Pyle’s.
To provide material to identify “patterns” within oneself.
Most important reason: As “middle-managers,” you, in short order and using a rubric, will be professionally evaluating others!
Did somebody say, “Speech?” Yes, I did… So…let’s get to our thesis (it’s a must, whether speaking or writing!) Here is very comprehensive information presented by both Pyle and the students relating to:

How to give a good speech and/or presentation.
First, a definition of “speech”
A speech is material delivered by a speaker to an audience. One’s audience may consist of one person up to thousands/millions(?) of people.
Topics/situations include: Information delivered to classmates. A business proposal/ inter-office communication. Information delivered to the general public. A “manager’s meeting” or other professional situations.
All speaking situations may be “formal,” “informal,” or both.
A Speech is… usually first constructed on paper. This process naturally assists in “memorization” of the speech.

A written speech also allows one to test, edit, revise material, and practice reading!

If possible, visit the location of the speech. Visualize oneself onstage!
Most important feature of any speech: One must consider:
Your Audience!!

If one doesn’t know to whom you’re speaking, you won’t know what say or how to deliver it!
When considering one’s audience… First, answer these “Two Most Important Questions”…

1. “Why am I here (speaking to these people [the audience])?” 2. “Specifically, what do I want them to remember/take away from my speech?”
If possible… Adjust speech/material to match your audience! Pyle calls this the “Chameleon Effect” A speech to other university students would not be the same material or delivery as it would to middle schoolers.
A good speech is merely…
What you say (content/material)
How you say it (delivery) Both must work, to work!
3 Most Important Features…
Loud and Proud

Any good speech must contain all 3 elements to be considered a success!
Loud and