Dating back to the Tokugawa regime, during the Meiji government, the Japanese government was very strict when it came to state religion. It was not until long after WWII that the government opened up to other religious organizations. Under the revised Public Security Preservation Law of 1941, the state could (and did) destroy any religious group preaching anything that varied from emperor worship (Sumimoto). Following WWII, the Allied powers help sever the ties between the church and state; displacing Shinto as the state religion and assuring religious freedom to all. From this time on, Japan became extremely lenient or blind to religious groups; and often gave them tax breaks and defacto immunity. Under the umbrella of Japanese law, Aum was able to exploit the laws regarding their religious freedom and was left untouched by the authorities. The government even turned a blind eye to Aum when they violated multiple aspects of their constitution. The way Aum functioned was harsh. Asahara adopted a practice from Zen Buddhism that focused on draining bad karma from practitioners. According to the practice, expelling bad karma from the body sometimes required physical force. Many members often wanted to opt out of Asahara's cleansing rituals and the cult itself; but when they tried to leave, they were either detained or killed. Article 20 of the Japanese constitution states "No person shall be compelled to take part in any religious acts, celebration, rite or practice"(Japanese constitution Article 20). A law Aum chose to disregard because they knew how to bypass the authorities. Which is ironic because the entire reason the government turned a blind eye to Aum was because they wanted to ensure religious equality. However, the greater disservice done to the Japanese's people was the ambiguous nature of their laws. Although the deadly nerve gas sarin is illegal in many countries, before April of 1995, the manufacturing of any deadly gas was legal in Japan. In fact, the Japanese government was aware of some toxin being released in the air (Olson). Many people reported foul smells, brown steam, animal deaths