Social Stories, created by Carol Gray in 1991, serve the purpose to aid social skills and improve appropriate models for people with autism spectrum disorder. Research by Roth and Worthington (2011), define a Social Story as …show more content…
A descriptive and meaningful story to aide Dillon in a social setting, for example, his classroom, will benefit him in initiating or maintaining a conversation with a peer. According to Hutchins (2012),”Social stories have become common approach to targeting social-cognitive symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder” (p.1). In order for them to be beneficial to the child, social stories must be clear and literal, adjusted to the child’s comprehension abilities. Dillon will benefit from this approach because Social Stories comprise of descriptive instructions in a positive language to increase his ability to initiate a social interaction. The approach will also improve Dillon’s overall understanding of a social environment or situation, illustrations can be included for visual learning as well. Social Stories assist children with autism spectrum disorder, especially with self-monitoring and learning socially appropriate behaviors or responses in social