Autopsy is otherwise referred to as postmortem examination or necropsy. It is an essential aspect of medical practice, which aims at auditing clinical practice in order to establish a final diagnosis and the probable cause or causes of death. Autopsy also allows physicians to correlate their clinical and laboratory findings with pathological changes that occurred in the patients.[1,2] The benefits of autopsy include, evaluating the accuracy of diagnosis and the outcome of therapy. Findings on autopsy can enable the pathologist to alert the infection control unit …show more content…
7 1.7 Drowning 2 .5 Electrocution 19 4.5 Rape 1 .2 Death During Exercise 1 .2 Hospitalized 33 8.5 Epilepsy 1 .2 Excessive Alcohol Drinking 16 3.8 Fall From Height/dry well 4 1.0 Fall In Bathroom 4 .8 Fall Of heavy object 2 .4 Fight And K/C/O- VSD 1 .2 Head Injury 6 1.2 Homicidal 2 .5 Sudden Collapse 3 .6 Stick Injury 4 .8 Unknown 225 53.7 Unknown(passenger) 10 2.4 Total 419 100.0
Myocardial infarction – highest cases are in 51-60 (9), followed by 41-50 (8)and 61-70 (7)
Out of 30 MI cases 2 are female rest are male so higher percentage of MI in male as comparison to female. Myocardial infarction 21-30 M 3 31-40 M 3 41-50 M 8 51-60 F 1 M 8 Total 9 61-70 F 1 M 6 Total 7
Tuberculosis- are affect all most all age group individual. Highest cases are in 41-50 age group . All are male.
Tubercular lesion 11-20 M 2 31-40 M 2 41-50 M 3 51-60 M 2 61-70 M 2
Liver cirrhosis-most cases are seen in elderly person mainly in4group1-50 and 51-60 yr (3 cases each group). 6male and 1 female affected.
Liver cirrhosis 21-30 M 1 41-50 M 3 51-60 F …show more content…
Seventy five percent of deaths were seen in < 40 years of age. Maximum number of cases (39.77%) was seen in second decade followed by third decade (26.13%). Cardiac causes of sudden death accounted to 69.13% of the cases. Non cardiac causes contributed 11.36% of cases. study showed total 79 (89.77%) male deaths. The youngest case was that of a 16 year old male who died due to rapture of a dissecting aneurysm and the oldest was an 85 year old male who had hypertensive changes in heart and kidney and noncritical narrowing of 2 coronary vessels. Amongst the nine females in this series, the youngest was 20 years who died of myocarditis and the oldest female was 30 years who was a known epileptic of more than 10 years duration. Seventy five percent of deaths were seen in <40 years of age. Maximum number of cases were seen in second decade 35 (39.77%) followed by third decade 23