The murder case of Azaria Chamberlain is about an Australian baby girl who was ‘allegedly’ killed by a dingo in 1980, while on a family camping trip to Uluru. Her mother, Lindy Chamberlain was tried for Azaria's murder and spent more than three years in prison for it. Lindy was released when a piece of Azaria's clothing was found near a dingo lair, and new questions came about. In 2012 the Chamberlains' version of events was officially confirmed by a coroner.
One week after her disappearance Azaria's damaged clothing was recovered and used for scientific examination. The damage was mainly in to the sleeve and collar of the jumpsuit.
As a result of this forensic examination, the Crown concluded that a dingo didn't cause the damage to the jumpsuit, but in fact, the Chamberlains themselves had interfered with the …show more content…
Further, tests conducted on material from the spray pattern showed that it had come from a baby under 6 months of age. They told the court that the appearance of the pattern was consistent with arterial bleeding. Mr Barker QC, for the Crown, told the jury that this spray pattern “came from the child when she was killed.”
Clear evidence has been presented to the Attorney General for the NT Government which demonstrates that material in the spray pattern — alleged to be blood by the Crown — is in fact a sand and bituminous compound sprayed underneath the car by GMH to deaden road noise.
The evidence (given in the report) shows that the material on the dash support bracket — claimed by the Crown to be human blood containing haemoglobin F — is not blood of any type whatsoever. It is Dufix. Sufficient material to test this claim still remains on the Chamberlain bracket. It is hoped that this report will provide the impetus to have these tests