BUS 540 Organization Behavior

Words: 2161
Pages: 9

Findings and Recommendations
BUS 540 Organization Behavior
Professor: Shirley Chuo
Westcliff University
This study is conducted to analyze the case study given on the third week of this course. This paper will be discussing different topics that we learned during the course which includes stereotype, team work, group decision making, creativity, leadership, conflict management, emotional intelligence and cognitive intelligence and motivation. This paper will be discussing the issues addressed in the Hy Dairies, Inc. This study is conducted to provide the findings and recommendations using information learned from PA1 and concepts learned from different chapters and assignments. This paper will be discussing how IDEO Shopping Cart Project was completed in just five days and how The Outstanding Faculty Award committee failed to select the rightful candidate.
The finding of this study will be providing an insight of how an organization can use stereotype, team work, group decision making, conflict management, leadership, emotional and cognitive intelligence, motivation and so forth for the growth and development of an organization.

During this
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Using stereotype to make judgment it might be completely misguided and incorrect. Similarly, Beauport believed that Market Research Coordinator was a backroom work far expelled from the organization’s main concern activities. Beauport brought such stereotype from her past employment experience where her boss made it clear that women couldn’t take the heat in marketing management. And her stereotype leads her to consider the Hy’s Dairies sexiest and perhaps racist practices and reached the conclusion without considering the assessment of Gilman. Therefore these are the perpetual error in this case study as both Beauport and Gilman had an alternate perspective with regards to Marketing Research Coordinator