Baby Boomers Are Lazy Research Paper

Words: 1020
Pages: 5

Every generation claims that their successive generations are worse

than them. Baby boomers (born in 50s to 60s) thinks that their

generation is exceptional and spark the start of comparison between

them and the younger generations. Millennials (80s to 90s babies) are

often children of boomers, and lazy is a common stereotype parents

like to label it on their kids. The reason behind parents that make such

a strong accusation on their children is simply because they see the

utter disappointment in their kids. However, parents sometimes ignore

the fact that a child’s behavior is a reflection of themselves as they are

the ones who raised them. I believe inappropriate habit such as lazy is

not something that is there all
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Consequently, parents become annoyed by their kid and magnifying

all of their kid’s flaws; writing malicious commentaries flooding all over

the internet. We can’t blame parents for doing so, we deserved it in this situation. Boomers are successful and control most of the wealth in the world.

Affluent Boomers work as hard as they could to accumulate wealth and

occasionally neglected their kids. To compensate the children, parents

shower them with anything their heart's desire. Indirectly, parents are

slowly building up the ‘spoiled kid’ character into their innocent

children without even realizing it. Whenever there is a new device,

clothes, shoes et cetera launched in the market, Millennials will nag

their parents to get these trendiest items for them. As a result of over

pampering, some Millennials changes from a kind hearted person into

a self- absorbed narcissist and stick their eyes on the smartphone.

Some say their parents don’t love them as parents are always busy

working, they feel lonely and in need of a friend. Hence, they become

devoted to their phones to stay in contact with their peers in