Interesting to see the constant incline in the range of 25years to 54 years (prime age) for workers. Baby boomers continue to be a driving force in the labor market. This has primarily to do with the big size of this generation, but also their desire or need to work longer. The U.S. workforce has never been older," reported Bloomberg Business in August …show more content…
Between 2016 and 2026 the labor force in the United States is projected to increase by about 10.5 million people. We can deduct that the workforce increases, but the growth percent rate is relatively small. This shrinking of the labor force can be attributed to the younger generations delaying their entry into the labor market. Younger people are prolonging their post-secondary education, therefore entering the county’s workforce older. The bureau of labor statistics explains that the labor force in 2026 will become more diverse but at the same time is expected to be much older …show more content…
Training should be set in place for both generation, so they will be able to understand each other’s work principle. Having a business where immigrant workers are employed for temporary work can encounter some language barriers (Page,2016). There might also cultural differences arise in the way foreigners interact with local employees.
With the advances of the digital age, recruiters will need to become electronic and interconnected. Numbers will be at the forefront of recruiting which will make it easier to track and measure potential recruits. Also, a recruiter should be able to have some market research background. This helps to understand how candidates act and think about getting a job.
Diane Arthur introduces us to the ABC Guidelines for Successful Recruitment, where promoting the company as attractive is of these guidelines (Arthur 6). What people on the street are saying about a brand is very important. Image of a work place has become a very important part of the recruiting process. A person looking for a job will also research via the internet and social media what a specific company has to offer before even thinking about applying. Sullivan explains that this means that to build your brand, a company needs to influence others to talk and write about the company (Sullivan,