Bala Shark Research Paper

Words: 957
Pages: 4

This fish is not a true shark, but is so named because of the shape of the body and fins, which resembled the sharks. Silver body with black markings on the wings, big eyes. Sometimes it also shows yellow spots between the silver and the black markings.

General description of the bala shark
Balantiocheilos melanopterus also known as the bala shark or silver shark are part of the Cyprinindae family and are predominantly found in the south-eastern part of Asia, more specifically in Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia.
As the name says, this fish is very similar to a shark, but it is much smaller. His body can reach a maximum of 35 cm. This fish has a special and very interesting appearance, precisely because of the resemblance of a true shark and this species. Unlike other fish belonging to the same family, the silver shark also has
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Breeding behavior of the bala shark
Although the differences between females and males are obvious, reproduction of these fish was not possible in personal aquariums, but only in large breeders.
Unfortunately, reproduction in this species is not very documented; however, they are multiplied in professional breeders in Asia.
Bala shark is a oviparous species; spawning and fertilizing is done externally. They do not keep their eggs or chickens. In the wilderness they migrate to special places where they lay down on the table.
The little shark becomes sexually mature after reaching a minimum length of 10 cm. It is not a species easy to reproduce, in aquariums it is rarely reproduced. However, if reproduction is attempted, some conditions are required.
The breeding aquarium must have approximately 500 l with the sieve. The breeding ratio is 2 males per female. The required temperature for deposition is 25-26grC, slightly acidic pH 6.4-7.0 and hardness less than 10dGH. Fry are fed with nauplii.
