In my personal opinion as a student, Matav did well but it could do better. This is not about being successful overnight. It’s about foreseeing the future of one’s country’s culture and government behavioral issues, also anticipating the capacity of customers and building major infrastructures base on that information.Matav strategy was to keep the infrastructure as unchanged as possible. Keeping this in mind, Mtava did really good by having different services on and old infrastructure. Like Internet services, ISDN, and so on.The strategy of Matav was a little vague to me, as different personnel of Matav had different opinions about its future and strategy. In a nutshell base on the facts that were presented in the text, Matav’s executives first decide to focus on domestic market which includes fixed-line telephone, Line based internet and mobile. And as I said they did well but could do better.In International strategy they actually did well by buying MakTel and expanding their market to Macedonia, Montenegro and The Balkans.
Does Matav have any competitive advantages in its domestic markets?
No. I think domestic competitors were the reason Matav lowered their price. They did not offer any packages or services to get customers eyes on them. After T-Mobile offer services with lower prices, Matav was forced to decrease the prices. They could have done that before T-Mobile enter the market.In all the services that Matav can offer, they have not done anything for competitive goals,like in internet services and in mobile services. They once offer tariff packages and they saw the results. It was good. Why not again with similar new and interesting offers for customers? Customers always dig new services nowadays.
Why Matav’s international expansion plans make sense? Why?
Yes, because Matav was not doing well internationally and by bidding on MakTel and actually winning it, they expand their international market. Maktel was not doing well in Macedonia. Matav saw a good opportunity in Macedonia. Only 25 per cent of the country had fixed telephone lines, five percent have mobiles and less than one per cent had Internet. That they have good experience in Macedonia, in 2005 they went after