Baloney Detection Kit

Words: 576
Pages: 3

lCarl Sagan was an astronomer, scientist, and educator. He was widely known for his work stating about activity and extraterrestrial beings and how to communicate with them. With regards to the baloney detection kit this needed to prove a hypothesis and if cannot be proven at least try to persuade the person to believing in it. As Carl Sagan did the Baloney Detection kit story he told about how his parents died and people try and tell him that there is life after death but he doesn’t believe them and he starts running experiments with the people. There is one person that believes that 35,000-year-old person is speaking to him and the funny part is that this guy speaks great English using this person’s voice and lips. Carl wonders if Ramtha can speak without help from anyone and also starts questioning the truth and the person cannot really prove it since there is no scientific evidence. He also starts to talk about how the cigarette company is trying to tell us that less tar is better for you and also light cigarettes. What they really are trying to say is smoke more and get cancer quicker. This has been an issue for a long time and now someone has revealed the answer to this question. So a person used Carl Sagan’s Baloney detection kit …show more content…
It contains tools that allow you to either prove or disapprove something. First, in the kit you need to be a skeptic, this kit only works if you do not question everything. Also, it has to be possible to get independent confirmation of the facts. Encourage debate on the evidence, arguments with authority only works sometimes because no one is perfect. Spin more than one hypothesis if u need to explain something make sure you have any differences that could be explained. Try not to stay attached to the hypothesis just because it is yours have an open mind to understanding other theories. Quantify if something has measure in it you will be able to discriminate among