Moreover, Obama attempted to reduce the secrecy designated to all presidential records. On another note, the president repealed Bush's reinstatement of Reagan's Mexico City Policy which prohibited any federal aid to international birth control organizations that have to do with abortion. Another example of Obama's quick action is after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, he signed 23 directives to instate new gun control laws. Some of these restrictions include banning military-style assault weapons, limiting ammunition magazines, instating more in-depth background checks, forbidding armor-piercing bullets, approving harsher punishments to gun-traffickers, and appointing the head of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives for the first time since 2006. Furthermore, in 2014, the president suggested that the FCC reinstate broadband Internet service to preserve net neutrality. During the rise of ISIS and the capture of Mosul, Obama sent 275 soldiers to protect and support US personnel and the US Embassy in Baghdad. As ISIS acquired more power and committed multiple massacres, Obama ordered numerous military attacks and airstrikes against