Barber/Surgeon Research Papers

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Pages: 4

Barber/Surgeon Research Paper
There were no peasants back in the middle ages, the peasants were also known as freeman, villeins, cotters, borders, and slaves. If a regular person from our time of day came up to a peasant in the Middle Ages the peasant would not recognize the term. In the Middle Ages, when many people were unable to read, barber/surgeons hung out a white and red pole to represent blood and bandages. This shop sign told customers what their trade was. A barber can also be counted on as a surgeon in the Middle Ages because an everyday surgeon does not cut hair and an everyday barber does not perform surgeries.
A barber was very involved in cutting and caring for people’s hair just as great as performing surgery or taking care
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In a few parts of the country a couple of huts were designed with stone. Some huts were designed with bright colors or painted in white. A barber did not have a pillow nor a bed so he slept in straw and instead of a pillow he rested his head on a wooden log. A barber’s wife would cook food on a cauldron that is put over the fire and his family and him ate from bowls made from wood. Few people like peasants have their home designed with wooden frames filled in with wattle and daub. Daub is strips of wood woven together and covered with a massive amount of animal hair. Since a barber was a peasant in The Middle Ages they ate a basic meal everyday. A piece of meat is a massive deal for peasants. A few types of meat are rabbit and pork. The generally most eaten food was dark bread and cheese. Commonly, peasants only had one cooked meal a day. During the middle of the day the mother will cook a stew called pottage. This stew consists of grain mixed with hot water and vegetables. If available, the mother added chopped meat or fish. A barber wore a tunic and a tunic is a fancy shirt that that any boys and men have worn in The Middle Ages. Men also wore tights which are called ‘hose’. Many peasants were very fortunate to receive the nobility’s used clothes, The peasants were also lucky enough to have worn out sheep wool and linen made into clothing for the peasants including the barber’s