SPCH 1311 43012
3 credit hours
Fall 2013
Professor: Laura Carr
Phone: (972) 860-7161 FAX (972) 860-7248
E-mail: lauracarr@dcccd.edu
Office: G-112
Office Hours MWF: 11:05 a.m. - 12:05 p.m. TR: 10:50 a.m. – 11:50 a.m.
Class: On-line/INET Aug. 26 to Oct 17
About this class
Cooperative Learning is practiced in this learning studio. So then, what is Cooperative Learning?
Cooperative Learning is a relationship with a group of students that requires: positive interdependence (a sense of sink or swim together),
In a cooperative learning situation, a student needs to be concerned with how he or she does the work and how well the other students in his or her group do the same work. individual accountability (each of us has to contribute and learn)
The student is held responsible by group mates for contributing his or her fair share to the group’s success. It is important that the group knows who needs more assistance, support, and encouragement in completing the assignment. It is also important that group members know they cannot "hitchhike" on the work of others. interpersonal skills (communication, trust, leadership, decision making, and conflict resolution)
The practice of social skills required for high quality collaboration and the willingness to be motivated to use them if cooperative groups are to be productive. The whole field of group dynamics is based on the premise that social skills are the key to group productivity. face-to-face promotive interaction (efficiently processing information).
Promotive interaction may be defined as individuals encouraging and facilitating each other's efforts to achieve, complete tasks, and produce in order to reach the group's goals.
group processing (reflecting on how well the team is functioning and how to function even better).
Group processing may be defined as reflecting on a group session to: 1) describe what member actions were helpful and unhelpful, and 2) make decisions about what actions to continue or change. The purpose of group processing is to clarify and improve the effectiveness of the members in contributing to the collaborative efforts to achieve the group’s goals.
A Cooperative Learning class is group led and teacher facilitated. Students are expected to be fully involved in the learning process.
How to use this syllabus
Three main parts I. Basic Speech Communication Course Information II. Specific Information for this Course III. General Eastfield College Course Information
How to help yourself…
First, look for the information you want in the syllabus.
If you can’t find the answer then ask a classmate for help.
If you still can’t find the answer then ask your professor.
Part I Basic Speech Communication Course Information
Course Description
Theory and practice of speech communication behavior in one-to-one, small group and public communication situations are introduced. Students learn more about themselves, improve skills in communicating with others, and prepare and deliver formal public speeches
Student Learning Outcomes for Speech 1311
Examine the different types of human communication (i.e. intrapersonal, interpersonal, small group communication, and public speaking).
Apply the knowledge of intrapersonal and interpersonal communication (i.e. self-awareness, perception, culture, relationship stages, conflict management, and verbal and nonverbal messages).
Demonstrate active listening and responding skills.
Prepare and deliver effective formal speeches (i.e. topic selection, research, outlining, anxiety management, delivery, visual aids).
Design an effective PowerPoint presentation and/or other technological aids to enhance speeches.
Speech 1311 Course Objectives
Upon completion of Speech Communication 1311, students should be able to