The Barrett Honors College At Arizona State University

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Pages: 8

The Barrett Honors College
Arizona State University-Tempe Campus

Paul Anzini
Erica Pagliughi

CON598: Sustainable Construction
Fall 2013

Table of Contents
Barrett Today
Going For Gold
Sustainability Evaluation of Barrett (Including Interview with Students, What Could have been done differently)
Barrett vs. Vista del Sol (Including Talk with Hardison/Downey & DWL)

Walking across the very modern, immaculately designed grounds of the Barrett Honors College at the Arizona State University Tempe Campus, it is understandable why this is a very desirable place to live amongst undergraduate students. Not only is Barrett
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These residence halls are equipped with individual thermostat controls, energy-consumption use monitors on each floor, a green roof, an organic garden, cost-saving dual flush toilets, and a gray water reuse system (SHAB 2013). The rootop garden was constructed on top of Sage South where students learn and participate in growing their own fresh, organic food. Currently mint, chocolate mint, lemon trees, artichokes, and orange and lime trees are growing in the rooftop garden. Food from the rooftop garden is integrated into SHAB’s community dinners, and is sold every other week at the ASU Farmer’s Market (Rooftop Garden 2013). As part of living in the Sustainability House, students must also participate in activities, retreats, and events to support sustainable initiatives across campus and in the surrounding community (SHAB 2013).
Going for Gold
Originally targeting to achieve a LEED Silver Certification from the USGBC, Barrett Honors exceeded the project goal and earned a Gold Certification in the category of New Construction and Major Renovations (v2.2). Barrett earned 10/14 Points for Sustainable Sites, 3/5 Points for Water Efficiency, 7/17 Points for Energy and Atmosphere, 5/13 Points for