Bathypelagic Zone Research Paper

Words: 629
Pages: 3

The ocean depths are divided into five zones. The first three zones are known marine life populated zones. The first 200 meters is called the Epipelagic Zone (Photic Zone). This zone is sunlit and is home to most marine life. The second layer is called the Mesopelagic Zone (Twilight Zone). Far less sunlight penetrates to this depth of below 200 meters to about 1000 meters. Below 1000 meters, the Deep Sea begins. The first layer of the Deep Sea is the Bathypelagic Zone (Midnight Zone/Dark Zone), which extends from 1000 meters to 4,000 meters. This Midnight Zone is home of the Vampire Squid. Below this is the Abyssopelagic Zone (the Abyss), then the Hadalpelagic Zone (the Trenches). Little is known about the life forms below the Bathypelagic Zone. The Bathypelagic Zone is without any sunlight and its creatures have evolved to produce their own light through bioluminescence. Most of the animals that live at these depths display black or red color. The water pressure at this depth can reach over 5,000 pounds per square inch. The average temperature is at about 4 °C (39 °F). This zone is also known as the oxygen minimum zone, as very little oxygen is present here. These conditions disallow the …show more content…
It is a small deep-sea cephalopod that has dark-red skin, winglike fins, purplish web, and eyes that can appear red or blue depending on lighting (Ritch, R. 2007). It can reach a total length of 12 inches. The eight arms are connected with a webbing of skin that gives it a clock like look. Coupled with its red eyes, it looks like a vampire. It has a pair of small flapping fins that serves as its means of propulsion. This harsh and lonely environment does not necessitate color changing capabilities common to its relatives living in shallower