Battle Of Quebec Essay

Words: 468
Pages: 2

The battle Of Quebec Started on the 31st of December in 1775. The battle was between American continental Army forces and the british defenders of quebec. The battle was a failed attack on the british from the americans from 1775-1776. The armies were under the control of General Montgomery and Colonel Benedict Arnold. They controlled around 1600 men to capture the city but still ended in failure. The siege of boston was still going on as well as the invasion of canada at this time while they were getting ready to capture the city of Quebec. They all believed that canada would not have any drive to fight and that the british would just surrender the city of Quebec. However, this is not the case! The british was able to stand their ground and …show more content…
So Benedict Arnold tried to blockade the city while he waited for General Montgomery and his troops to arrive. More of Quebec’s soldiers were sent to the garrison to fight against Arnold and his troops. Arnold's troops were getting weaker as The cities garrison slowly started to wipe out his men. Benedict could not blockade the town as he planned to so when General Montgomery arrived they joined the attack on the city of Quebec on December 30, 1775.
Their armies were not strong enough to be able to take over the city so they did not win the battle of Quebec. The Americans were completely crushed and forced out of the city, they had lost much of their men and one of those men was General Montgomery. The Americans were forced to surrender after Benedict Arnold was badly injured.
The significance of the Battle of Quebec is that Both Montgomery and Arnold were unable to invade Canada and they could not take over Quebec. The Americans were forced out of Canada which made that their last attempt to try and take over Canada and have Canada's population on their side. The battle of Quebec was also apart of the American Revolutionary war where the Americans did not agree to the British parliament to control the original 13 colonies without there being any sort of