Becoming A Veterinarian

Words: 603
Pages: 3

When I was a kid my childhood dream was to be a veterinarian. It was one of my biggest goals in life as a child. I was so fascinated with being a veterinarian and I was very serious about my dream. I knew being a veterinarian wasn’t going to be an easy career to achieve, but that didn’t stop me. One of the thing that motivated me to pursue my dream was watching the injured and starving animals on my street every day and wanting to help each and every one of them. But the thing the motivated me the most was an injured baby bird that I found on my front yard when I was a kid. The bird's wing was broken and I tried to help it get better, but it passed away a couple of days later. I hated the fact that there wasn’t anything I could do so from that day on I was determined to be a veterinarian. …show more content…
Not because I wasn’t interested in helping animals it was because the lack of motivation my parents gave me. They would tell me that I wouldn't be good enough or that career choice isn’t for me. I tried not to listen to their negative comments, but little by little I started to believe that they were probably right. For a short period of time I even believed that there was no point in having dreams anymore, but then I started my first year of high school. That’s when I started to believe in dreams again and started looking at different career