Beethoven's Fifth Symphony Research Paper

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Pages: 4

Ludwig Van Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony

Beethoven was born around December 16, 1770 in Bonn, Germany. He was the oldest of three children all of which were boys from Johann and Maria Magdalena Van Beethoven. His father taught him how to play the piano and violin because he was a musician. Even though, his father did teach him to play, he had a bit of a drinking problem and would beat Ludwig if he protested against him. In 1783 he published his first piece 9 Variations in C Minor for piano, and other portions of later works. Beethoven traveled to Vienna, Austria in 1787 to seek Wolfgang Mozart as a teacher but had to return take care of his sickly mother that died a few months later. His father died in 1792 and he traveled back to Vienna. While
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His wealthy friends did not want him to leave so they made a group of sponsors to back him and paid him 1400 florins a year to keep him there, which made him the first musician to live independently on his music salary. He was sought out by producers however he did not handle business well. There was no system to get copyrights to his music leaving his compositions open for anyone to use and remaster as their own. As well as as his deafness began to worsen to a complete lose of hearing in 1816 he began to have temper problems. With his temper problem and his hearing lose Beethoven could not carry on conversations as well, which is how he gained the reputation of an unpleasant personality. He died in 1827 at the age of 56 from post-hepatitis cirrhosis of the liver.He never married and never had children however was ever so in love with the married Antonie Brentano. Beethoven began to compose his fifth symphony in 1804 and premiered later that year along with the sixth symphony at his famous marathon concert at Vienna’s theater. The concert did not go as well as he would have hoped so he went back to revising the symphonies and the final draft in 1808. The first movement in Beethoven’s Symphony 5 the