Belonging In 'Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince'

Words: 573
Pages: 3

Is there anyone who hears me?
I cannot help but remember the words of Professor Albus Dumbledore in ‘Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince’ – “Age is foolish and forgetful when it underestimates youth.”
Yet I am brought back to the sullen reality upon hearing the words of Jonathan Swift- “Nice wise man ever wished to be younger.”
Sullen, I say because this line or other lines, loosely based around the same concept, are what I get to hear the most today from my mother, my teachers or for that matter, any individual belonging to any generation preceding ours.
The concept being that we, the youth, happen to be the most intoxicated, incorrigible and incongruous lot that the Earth may have wished to ever see. To cut a long,