Mr. Battistone
August 28, 2014
Family Tradition My family hasn’t really had any long lasting traditions that we have celebrated for a long time. But we do now have a few that have started in the last few years or so. The most resent one to start is one that my cousin from Texas came up with. This new tradition is that every two years the Reding side of the family gathers in Texas at my aunt and uncles house for Thanks Giving and we have a fry off. This is a very fun and delicious tradition that has started, but it also has some rules. The rules of the fry off are very strict but they can get some interesting creations out of it. One thing that is important is that there are teams of two and that there are also two different categories, sweet and savory. The rules to follow are that it has to be something original as in you can’t find it at any state fair. The most important rule though is that you have to keep what you and your team member are frying a secret from everyone else. This is so that on the day of the fry off its more of a surprise to hear that your cousin and his dad are frying balls of ice cream. It would be very sad to miss this event because it’s something that is fun for everyone and that everyone can do, and it’s a very delicious event as I mentioned earlier. I would feel like I would miss out on a great time with my family, not just because of the fry off, but because the whole Thanks Giving is a fun experience with my family. It