If you take some college course while attending high school it will also lower the cost tuition. This could be also helpful when you are transferring for a community to a large university, several thousand of dollars could be saved. In some cities they offers free college tuition. Some employers pay for your education and offers tuition reimbursement programs.Some students may have their tuition waived if they have a parent who works there. There are many different ways that will help you and…
Words 222 - Pages 1
degree holders and college graduates, that makes it must for our generation to attend college to be able to receive a decent job. The question may arise, why are numerous people not rushing to college? For many students, college remains out of the question by cause of high tuition costs. Since money stand as concern for attending college, countless high school graduates have happened to start a full-time job straight out of college. There have been plenty of debates on whether college should be free…
Words 472 - Pages 2
looking for degree holders and college graduates, that makes it must for our generation to attend college to be able to get a decent job. The question may arise, why are not many people going to college? For many students, college remains out of the question because of high tuition costs. Since money is not there for college, many high school graduates are forced to directly start a full-time job. There have been many debates on whether college should be free. Making college free would be a step forward…
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Laura Smith Tuition Reform: When is it enough? From public to private universities and colleges, tuition has become a top controversial issue. Whether it’s a current student or an incoming freshman it’s not easy paying for college no matter what the social class. Majority of students who are in college are not completely paying out of pocket either. If a handful of students were taken and asked how they are paying for college, they would without a doubt say loans. With that tuition reforms, or…
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The cost of college tuition seemingly fluctuates, with prices rising and dropping with the economic situation of the time. Over the last several years, college tuition has continued to rise, consequently limiting education’s accessibility. This raises the question: Should colleges lower tuition to make the life of a college student more obtainable and affordable? When considering this question, the most important factors to contemplate include the student’s overall financial situation involving their…
Words 136 - Pages 1
Wouldn't free college be the best? Right? Actually, that’s wrong. It could be pretty great, although, it would cause a lot of issues. The money for college tuition has to be paid by someone, and if the students are no longer paying it, the government would have to raise taxes in order to supply money for college tuition. If most people have college degrees, then it could lower the value of a college degree, making it comparable to a current high school diploma or equivalent. The less college costs, the…
Words 568 - Pages 3
Have you ever thought college tuition should be free? Have you ever thought it would benefit the nation or your own community if it were free? These are questions that are often the topic of discussion when it comes to enrolling into college. Some people may believe they can’t go to a college due to the price of it. In an article by Jacobs called Free College Tuition… He explains how taxpayers should not be required to pay for college tuition when they already pay for schooling for grades K-12. Another…
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Do College Athletes Deserve to be Paid? Fans from all over come to watch these athletes play, having tailgate parties, painting their faces, or going full out in sportswear. Over the past few decades, college athletics have been bringing excitement and have been gaining immense popularity across the United States. Whether it be football, basketball, or any sport, ever since the turn of the century, intercollegiate sports have brought in a surplus of revenue to their Universities, as well as increasing…
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When you think of college, what comes to mind? Does money, and debt come to mind? How would you like if you could go to college and graduate without any debt on your hands? Countries all over the world- many countries though have this option. Countries like Brazil, Germany, Finland, France, Norway, Slovenia, and Sweden are all college free. The downfall of having college be free is the taxes are a great deal of money. Now how many students will attend college now that in other countries when they…
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article titled “As He Promotes It, Some Question Obama’s Free Community College Idea” by Joanne Jacobs, Bezerra stance on this topic is “Tuition shouldn’t be free for those who can pay for it” but, I would contrastly take the side of total free community college tuition. My reasoning for this side is that many more students are given the opportunity to get a college level education, those who could not afford to go to college because of the cost are now able to enroll, and this would help eliminate…
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