Beowulf exploits bravery many times in his hero journey. He shows it by his will to fight anything that comes near him and his people. He always would be the first one to defeat any monster in his sight or that is hurting his army of people. Achilles also shows bravery by dragging Hector in front of his own family and kingdom. This shows bravery because not any normal human being would drag someone that they just killed in front of his or her own family while they have to …show more content…
Beowulf shows no mercy on his opponent. He is a very self-less hero which means he puts everyone before himself which is what a hero would do today. Put everyone before him/herself so that he/she can save the people without getting them hurt or even killed. Beowulf is also able to fight fate while fighting an enemy. Fighting fate is important to do so he knows what he is going up against. Modern day heroes today would sacrifice some men if that means a guaranteed victory over an enemy. Accepting the loss of men would be extremely hard to do because they were a part of his life for so long and helped keep Beowulf alive. One more reason why Beowulf is as close to a modern day hero is because he is loyal. Beowulf is loyal to his king Hrothgar and does whatever he says to do. If Beowulf is not loyal to the king who would King Hrothgar ask to take down enemies that are killing people. If there is no loyalty there is no trust; therefore Beowulf would mean nothing to Hrothgar and Beowulf would probably be dead right