In the book the dragon had no emotional connection to Beowulf; however; in the film the dragon was Beowulf’s son. In the book the Danes are attacked by this random dragon that was awoken by a theft, and is now out to find his treasure. The dragon cause chaos and destruction throughout many lands; he even set fire to a church. In the film, the Danes land started to get tormented again once the golden horn returned. The dragon turned out to be Beowulf’s son; it was livid because Beowulf left him. The dragon had already killed a plethora of people before even reaching the Danes. The battle then begins between Beowulf and the dragon outside the cave of the dragon; its later lead to the outer walls of the castle. Beowulf slits open the chest of the dragon attempting to cut out its heart; however, he gets burned from the dragon’s flames. Through it all, Beowulf has been handing from a metal chain, his arm caught inside it, attached to the dragon. After being badly burned he attempts again but fails; with fate against him he decides he should just cut his should to have more reach. He reaches into the chest of his son ripping out his heart. Beowulf dies next to his son at the foot of the sea from a loss of