Achilles is a 21st centery hero because even though he does the right thing in the end he doesnt always do the right thing. for example in the illiad he kills hector who killed his cousin Achilles then takes hectors body to be mutilated but in the end he brings the body back and gives the city of troy their hero back. This relats to modern day heros becuase not a lot of them are one hundered percent amazing like micheal Phelps hes the most decorated olympian ever but got scrutany for smoking marijuana. No hero can do everything right you just have to learn from your mistakes and grow as a leader to help people from making the same mistakes you make. Beowulf and Achilles are both great heroes in some of the earliest literautre. BOth care for their men and did the right thing at the end of the day. These heroes were different in the way they lived and carried themselves furing their life times. At the end of the day no matter how great of a hero you are or arent you will always look up to other people trying to be more like