Bernard Brave New World Quote Analysis

Words: 496
Pages: 2

This was the quote I decided to pick. The quote can be found in chapter six, page 63 of the book Brave New World. During this part of the book, it explains how Bernard has been off his Soma and has been more depressed. Lenda recalled that the last time she spent time with him, he had the helicopter hovering over the ocean and just enjoying the view, which quite bored her. She was expecting since he wanted Lenina and him to be alone together that he wanted to be intimate with her, but he did not want that. He genuinely wanted to feel a deep connection of emotions with Lenina before being intimate. Yet Lenda thought his reality without Soma was boring and not fun.

Throughout my life, I have had many mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. During my sophomore year, I was prescribed medication to help me with my depression and anxiety. The first medication I took, I honestly thought that it was going to be an immense help for my mental health, but it caused more issues. It made me feel empty, as if I were nothing but a husk of my former self. I switched to a different type of medication for depression that ended up helping me. It was going okay until I was constantly told to try to stop relying on them when I truly was not fully relying on those medications to help me.
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Being off my medication made me realize that it helped me out so much and made me feel more stable. I got off my medication and still feel the same as if I were on it. I still have moments of feeling low, but I now truly feel a better sense of my emotions without my medication. Getting off them made me understand myself better and had let me learn how to control my mental health better. I am glad that I can say I know what normal feelings are supposed to be for