Technical Literature. Journal of 9/11 Studies, 37, 1-16.
In this article, Eastman and Cole dissect the events of September 11 1. Both
Journalist take into account scientific evidence and first hand accounts of
September 11. This research in turn describe how the events of September 11 simple do not add up. This journal also address public poles on topics such as how the Twin Towers really fell, and what really hit the pentagon the morning of
September 11. The evidence presented in this Journal study strictly dissects how official accounts were false, and what truly happened. September 11 was not an act of terror, but indeed a way for government to promote Fascism but maintain relevant democracy in the mainstream media.
Fetzer, J. (2007). The 9/11 Conspiracy: The Scamming of America. Chicago, IL:
Catfeet Press.
Fetzer’s book challenges the allegations and events of September 11. He challenges the events on September 11 that include the falling of the World Trade
Centers, the attack on the Pentagon, and how the event of Flight 93 was nearly and theoretically impossible. Contributors to the novel, David Ray Griffin and Morgan
Reynolds scrutinize, dissect and challenge the government’s account of what truly happened on September 11. The book takes into account witnesses, interviews, and videos that contribute to and portray the picture of what truly occurred on
September 11. The book not only challenges the events of September 11 but gives the audience a sense of why the Bush Administration would orchestrate such a despicable act. A profound scholar, Fetzer creates a more intellectual and scientifically alternative to the “conspiracy theory.”
Griffin, D. (2004). The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions about the Bush
Administration and 9/11. Northampton, MA: Olive Branch Press.
A philosopher, Griffin questions the time line and physical evidence of September
11. Griffin’s book sorts through stories from the mainstream press, works of other researchers, contradictory ideas from the Bush Administration, and reports from abroad. Griffin brilliantly discusses the reasons why the Bush Administration wanted to create a new “Pearl Harbor.” Throughout the duration of the novel,
Griffin poses questions to the reader that questions the Bush Administration and ulterior motive. Motives such as a “New World Order,” generating funds for the
US Space command, and advancing the Pax Americana, help the reader conclude just how transparent the September 11 attacks were. Just like Pear Harbor was
America’s cue to join world War II, September 11 in comparison was America’s cue to being the War on Terror.
Griffin, D. (2006). Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11. Louisville, KY:
Westminster John Knox Press.
A writer and philosopher, David Griffin analyzes the official accounts of
September 11. David analyzes government reports in comparison to first account reports and finds disturbing inconsistencies. He then explores a distinctively
Christian perspective on these issues and relates it to Jesus’ life, death, and teachings. David applies Jesus’ doctrine to the current political administration and how the Christine churches should respond when they are known to be an incarnation of the divine. Griffin draws an usual parallel to the Christian faith and the corrupt Bush administration.
Griffin, D. (2005). The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions.
Northampton, MA: Olive Branch Press.
David Griffin makes the topic extremely clear. The September 11 Commission
Report simple cannot be trusted. David Griffin dissects the official September 11
Commission Report and its’ inconsistencies. David Griffin poses questions like why Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld gives three different reports of what he was doing the morning of September 11,
and how the Joint Chiefs of Staff Myers, saw the first tower hit on TV, and then went into a meeting where he remained unaware of